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P.O. Box 400 - New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040



 Vol. 4: Issue No. 8

  September 2000


General Updates
Apologies for late Posting of September Newsletter
We have been working on lots of updates and experimenting with new product possibilities, so the newsletter somehow slipped by.


Alken Even-Flo® Technical Updates
New Penske-Martin Flashpoint Tester
We found that results from our ancient tester were just too unreliable, so we have ordered the most reliable model of flashpoint tester available. We may be revising fuel treatment flash points once we obtain the new tester. If this happens, we will make the corrections on our website on the MSDS and Specifications Sheet and will also send an alert to our distributors.
Stability Testing for New Formulas for Alken 935 and Alken Even-Flo 911
We are currently performing stability testing on the revised versions of these two formulas. We will let you know when they pass this phase of testing and all other details at that time. We wanted you to know that we do respond to client/distributor requests.


Alken Clear-Flo® Technical Updates
More Product Information Bulletins Added to Alken-Murray Website
Now posted to our website are Alken CF Supplement C, Alken Clear-Flo 7006, 7007, and 7030. All dry microbial products are now linked except CF 8000. These bulletins can also be accessed from the dry microbial product index.
Nutrient Product Information Bulletins Added to Alken-Murray Website
All dry product information bulletins (except BN1 and BN2) are now posted and linked to the nutrient index. Product information bulletins for liquid nutrients, Bio-Nutrient 3 and 9 are the only liquid nutrients posted. If you need information on other liquid nutrients, we can send this information to you by e-mail.
New Graphs Of Laboratory Tests Support Products
Enz-Odor 2 -
respirometer, spectrophotometer, anaerobic growth rates and enzyme production linked to the product bulletins for these products.
New Graphs of Laboratory Tests Supporting CF 4003 & 4004
New Graph of Paper Mill Case Study for CF 7005 Now Posted
QC-1 Total Aerobic Microbial Count and Spore Count - Revised
We expanded the list of equipment and supplies needed to include (we hope) everything you need to perform this procedure to verify bacterial count. I know how annoying it is to get in the middle of a lab procedure and THEN discover that you are missing some supply or equipment that the author of the procedure just assumed all labs have. We have had this happen to us, so we sympathize and have therefore gone over this procedure again to make sure it is complete.
QC-6 MacConkey Streak Test Procedure - Revised
We have expanded this procedure to include preparation procedure and inclusion of its possible use in QC-80.
QC-10 Gram Staining - Revised
We have included the methods for preparing your own gram stains from powdered concentrates, in case you do not have easy access to ready-to-use stains. We have also expanded the equipment list to include everything we can thing of that you will need to perform this procedure. We will be checking over many of the other procedures to see if we can improve the ease of use for those distributors who wish to conduct their own verification tests.
QC-16 Preparation of Standard Methods Agar
This procedure has also been revised to improve ease of use.
QC-35 Preparation and Use of Nutrient Agar
This procedure has also been revised to improve application and to allow for other uses.
QC-49 Pseudomonas Isolation Procedure - Revised
As with the other two procedures, we have made this procedure easier to understand and use. We have also reduced the concentration of bacteria applied to the agar, to make the plates easier to read.
QC-80 New Procedure to Prove Exclusion of Stenotrophomonas maltophila
The challenge of locating procedures to isolate this species was formidable. Thanks to Becton-Dickinson, a diligent search of the internet and University of Indiana, we have developed a test procedure to prove that we do not have this strain in our products. In case you wondered, Brazil does not allow it, and perhaps there are others. This species is good at degrading PAH and one strain is patented for metals binding ability, but the health concern surrounds its immunity to most antibiotics. Health officials are concerned that it will pass this immunity to other, more lethal strains, thus precipitating epidemics.


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