ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® 6 is a highly concentrated dry blend featuring two strains of Paracoccus pantotrophus, a highly versitive, non-pathogenic facultative chemolithoautotroph, which can simulateously oxidize hydrogen sulfide and reduce both nitrate and nitrite to nitrogen gas, under anaerobic conditions. With the option to utilize either organic carbon compounds or carbon dioxide in low BOD environments. These two P. pantotrophus are also so fond of nitrate and nitrite that they will denitrify even when low to moderate dissolved oxygen is available to them, unlike most reported Bacillus and Pseudomonas nitrate reducing or complete denitrifying species(reducing both nitrate and nitrite and maybe nitrous oxide) that are uwilling to utilize nitrate except under anoxic conditions (zero dissolved oxygen and high levels of nitrate and/or nitrite). Also included is one strain of the facultatively chemolithoautotrophic species, Starkeya novella, alternatively sold alone as ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® 14, for its ability to oxidize sulfide, thiosulfate, mercaptans and sulfur dioxide, but this obligate aerobe must function at the surface or in aerated waters, being unable to utilize nitrate as an alternate electron acceptor. S. novella can also digest a broad array of organic compounds, including fatty acids, under aerobic conditions. All of these strains offer superior versitility to Thiobacillus denitrificans, which can only utilize carbon dioxide as its carbon source, and is unable to utilize oxygen as an alternative electron acceptor. Also included are a trio of Bacillus that mimic the facultative sulfide oxidizing and denitrifying talent of the P. pantotrophus strains, also utilizing either carbon dioxide in low BOD environments, but able to digest a wide assortment of organic carbon compounds in high BOD environments. |
According to D. G. Lampe and T.C. Zhang
Department of Civil Engineering, of Nebraska-Lincoln at Omaha Campus, in
their paper Evaluation of Sulfur Based Autotrophic Denitrification,
the stoichiometric equation for the reduction of nitrate from elemental
sulfur as follows:![]() |
See March-April 2003 Water Environment Research (WEF) Simultaneous Biological Nutrient Removal: Evaluation of Autotrophic Denitrification, Heterotrophic Nitrification, and Biological Phosphorus Removal in Full-Scale System by H.X. Littleton, et. al. p 138 - 149, for confirmation that Paracoccus pantotrophus performs heterotrophic ammonia oxidation to nitrite, using similar pathway to Nitrosomonas spp., expanding range of conditions under which nitrification can occur. Alken-Murray's Bacillus sulfidophilus (temporarily B.mojavensis) AMH 118 can also accomplish this activity and is included ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® 6. |
Bacteria Count | 5 billion CFU/g* |
Thiosulfate Oxidation Rate: | 1000 mg/L/hour |
Appearance | Free-flowing brown powder |
pH | 6.5 - 8.0 |
Odor | Musty |
This product may be applied directly in dry form, which offers an advantage because dolomitic limestone is included to help maintain proper alkalinity. Spread evenly around open pond, or apply at influent of closed system. If you prefer to hydrate the formula for application through a sprayer, thoroughly mix each pound of dry product with two gallons of warm (approx.70 F) water FREE OF CHLORINE (source water may be used optionally). Allow the mixture to hydrate for two hours, stirring vigorously every half hour. After final settling, carefully pour off the top liquid layer for use, squeeze all liquid from the bran that has settled into the liquid and either dispose of the remaining bran, or toss it into the system. Once the liquid supernatant is separated, it may be mixed together with any liquid formulas you are optionally applying. Avoid use of algaecides, herbicides, and antibiotics when using any ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® products. |
When targeting hydrogen sulfide in collection systems: The initial prescription is based upon sulfide or nitrate concentration and retention time. A usual daily dose is 1 pound per million gallons a day (MGD) of flow. Five to ten mg/L (ppm) of sodium nitrate is required for each 1 ppm of soluble sulfide oxidized. If nitrate is not already present in the system, we suggest that you add ALKEN ENZ-ODOR ® 9, along with this product. If the alkalinity is not above 50 mg/L (expressed as CaCO3), a slowly soluble carbonate, such as sodium or potassium carbonate can be added to meet this criteria. Dolomitic limestone may be used instead with an optimal ratio of sulfur to limestone of 3:1. (We have included 8 to 10% dolomitic limestone in the product, but it is likely that more will be needed). If flow rate is very slow, then application may be reduced to two or three times a week initially, and maintained with dosage once or twice a week thereafter. |
When targeting hydrogen sulfide in anaerobic digesters: The initial prescription is upon sulfide concentration and retention time. A usual daily dose is 1 pound per million gallons a day (MGD) of flow. Five to ten mg/L (ppm) of sodium nitrate is required for each 1 ppm of soluble sulfide oxidized. If nitrate is not already present in the system, we suggest that you add ALKEN ENZ-ODOR ® 10, along with this product. If the alkalinity is not above 50 mg/L (expressed as CaCO3), a soluble carbonate, such as sodium or potassium carbonate can be added to meet this criteria. Dolomitic limestone may be used instead with an optimal ratio of sulfur to limestone of 3:1. (We have included 8 to 10% dolomitic limestone in the product, but it is likely that more will be needed). If flow rate is very slow, then application may be reduced to two or three times a week intially, and maintained with dosage once or twice a week thereafter. For optimum digester perforamance, use For optimum digester performance combine ALKEN CLEAR-FLO 4007 with ALKEN ENZ-ODOR ® 10 instead. |
When targeting excess nitrate in CSRT anaerobic plants or wetlands: For each 5 to 10 parts of nitrate you wish to reduce, add 1 part of finely ground, dolomitic limestone to buffer the pH, and 3 parts of thiosulfate (offset by any hydrogen sulfide already present). A usual daily dose is 1 to 2 pounds of ALKEN ENZ-ODOR 6 per million gallons of daily flow (MGD). . The ideal hydraulic retention time is 3 to 4 hours to remove 99% of influent nitrate levels as high as 30 mg/L/hr. |
When targeting excess nitrate in an open pond or highly aerated wastewater system: While denitrification can take place in an open pond or highly aerated treatment tank , the maximum rate will be 17 mg/L/hr and the retention time should be increased to 8 hours or more. The product dosage in a pond or lake, with little influent or effluent is changed to 1 lb. of ENZ-ODOR 6 per million gallons of pondwater, applied once a week. At the same time, apply 3 parts of thiosulfate and 1 part finely crushed dolomitic limestone for each 5 to 10 ppm of nitrate to be reduced. ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1005 will produce better results in lakes, ponds and other eutrophic natural water bodies. CF 1005 also contains other strains with aerobic denitrification talents. |
ALKEN ENZ-ODOR ® 6 is packaged in 25 lb. plastic pails and 50 lb. fiber drums. Do not freeze. Avoid excess contact with eyes, skin, and open wounds. Wash hands with soap and water after handling. Avoid excessive inhalation of dust. Update 07-04-2005 |