Effective Date: 08/15/2008

 Product Bulletin

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 Material Safety Data Sheet
 Manufacturer's Name: Alken-Murray Corporation
 Manufacturer's Address: P.O. Box 400, New Hyde Park, New York 11040
  T: 540-636-1236 Fax: 540-636-1770
 Manufacturer's Cage Code: 2A384
For chemical emergency - spill, leak, fire or accident - call CHEMTREC - day or night - (800) 424-9300 or outside the USA (703) 527-3887

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NFPA Hazard Ratings:

0=Minimal, 1=Slight, 2=Moderate, 3=Serious, 4=Severe

 Health=2  Fire=0  Reactivity=0


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Canadian WHMIS Classification E & D2

All ingredients on Canadian DSL and USA TSCA lists 

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1. Product Identification

 Synonyms: Liquid Inhibited Hydrochloric acid cleaner, Liquid Inhibited Muriatic acid cleaner
 CAS Number:  Not applicable to mixtures
 Chemical Formula:  Proprietary Mixture
  Chemical Family: Liquid Inhibited Acidic Cleaner/Descaler
 Formula ID Codes:  0890

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2. Composition/Information on Ingredients


 Chemical Name  CAS Number  OSHA PEL   ACGIH TLV   % Weight
 Water  7732-18-5  NDA  NDA 80 - 90
 Hydrochloric Acid  7647-01-0  5 ppm   5 ppm 8 - 10
 Hexamine  100-97-0  NDA  NDA  < 1
 Calcium chloride  10043-52-4  NDA NDA  < 1
 Propylene glycol  57-55-6  NDA  NDA  < 1
 Phosphoric acid  7664-38-2  NDA   NDA  < 1
 Isopropyl alcohol  67-63-0  NDA  NDA  < 1
Propargyl alcohol  107-19-7  NDA  NDA  < 1
 DuPont Zonyl FSN Fluorosurfactant  * 65545-80-4  NDA  NDA   < 1

*New Jersey Trade Secret # 00850201001-5285P (Telomer B monoether with PEG)

Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary and/or non-hazardous per 29 CFR 1910-1200 and/or represent less than 1%. All chemical ingredients appear on the EPA TSCA inventory.


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3. Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview:CAUTION! Corrosive. Irritation upon contact with eyes, possible burns upon prolonged contact. Skin irritation possible on contact. Digestive tract burns possible on ingestion.

Potential Health Effects:

  • Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Contact with liquid, mist, or vapor can cause immediate irritation or corrosive burns to all human tissue. Severity of the burn is generally determined by the concentration of the solution and duration of exposure. Contact with eyes may result in permanent visual loss unless removed quickly by thorough irrigation with water. Inhalation of concentrated vapor or mist will damage upper respiratory tract and lung tissues. Swallowing may be fatal. May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts
  • Signs and Symptoms of Chronic overexposure: Repeated exposure may cause chronic bronchitis or respiratory inflammation and erosion of teeth. Repeated skin contact with dilute solutions may cause dermatitis. Repeated eye contact may cause conjunctivitis and photosensitization.
  • Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: NDA
  • Other Comments: Hydrochloric and isopropyl alchohol are listed as Group 3 carcinogens by IARC.

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4. First Aid Measures

  • Inhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get prompt medical attention
  • Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Give patient large amounts of milk or water to drink. Get patient to hospital promptly.
  • Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash skin for 15 minutes with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse. If irritation persists, get medical attention.
  • Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Forcibly hold eyelids apart to ensure complete irrigation of eye and eyelid tissue. Do not allow patient to rub or keep eyes closed. Get immediate medical attention.
  • Note to Physician: Treat symptomatically. No specific antidote.

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5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flash Point: NA

Flammability Limits: Not Flammable

Autoignition temp: NA

Fire Extinguishing Media: Suitable for the surrounding fire

Special Fire-Fighting Information: Wear NIOSH-approved SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus). Use water spray to cool containers.

Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Reacts with reactive metals (potassium, sodium, calcium, powdered aluminum, zinc, magnesium) to produce flammable hydrogen gas.

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6. Accidental Release Measures

Utilize full protective clothing, including boots and protective equipment (see Section 8). Contain spill in order to prevent contamination of sewage system or water way. Pump into marked containers for reclamation or disposal. Absorb spill with inert material, (e.g., dry sand, vermiculite or earth), then place in a chemical waste container. If possible, neutralize residue on a dry basis with suitable alkali, such as lime or soda ash; then flush with water in accordance with applicable regulations. Spills of 1500 gallons or more must be reported to the National Response Center (800) 424-8802.

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7. Handling and Storage

Protect container from physical damage. Do not strike containers or fittings with tools or hard objects. Keep container closed and dry, when not in use. Store away from heat and oxidizing agents (yellow label). Wash thoroughly after handling. Emptied container may retain vapor and product residue. Store in a "Corrosives" area.

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8. Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection

  • Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures as low as possible. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details.
  • Personal Respirators (NIOSH or EN 166 Approved): Use approved full face respirator with canister approved for hydrochloric acid vapor or mist. Consult respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate equipment. If concentrations are high or unknown, use self-contained breathing apparatus.
  • Skin Protection: Rubber gloves, boots and apron. Body covering clothing to minimize exposure
  • Eye Protection: Splash-proof chemical safety goggles, full face shield. Do not wear contact lenses. Recommend eyewash fountain nearby where product is handled in concentrated form (LRSD 890 contains < 10% concentration).
  • Other Control Measures: A source of clean water should be available in the work area for flushing eyes and skin.
ACGIH: Hydrochloric acid 5 ppm, Isopropyl alcohol 400 ppm, Propargyl alcohol 1 ppm.

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9. Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Appearance and Color: Light yellow water-thin liquid
  • Odor: Mildy irritating, characteristic odor
  • Solubility in Water: Soluble in water in all proportions
  • Specific Gravity: 1.06
  • Density Lbs/Gal: 8.82
  • pH: (10%) 0.7 (acidic)
  • % volatile by volume @ 21C (70F): NDA
  • Boiling Point: 220 degrees F (105 degrees C)
  • Freezing Point: 30 degrees F (-1 degrees C)
  • Melting Point: NDA
  • Vapor Density (Air=1): = NDA
  • Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): NDA
  • Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate=1): = WATER

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10. Stability and Reactivity

  • Stability: Product is stable under normal conditions of storage and handling.
  • Hazardous Decomposition Products: Chlorine gas may be released when product is mixed with strong oxidizers. Hydrogen chloride, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide.
  • Hazardous Polymerization: has not been reported
  • Incompatibility: Substance polymerizes on contact with aldehydes or epoxides. Reactions with alkalies and active metals generate great deal of heat. Mixing with strong oxidizers can produce poisonous gas. Avoid open flames or sparks.
  • Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible chemicals

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11. Toxicological Information

  • Toxicological Data: (CFR Title 16)
RTECS: CAS# 7647-01-0: MW4025000 /CAS 7732-18-5: ZC0110000/ CAS# 100-97-0: MN4725000/ CAS# 10043-52-4:EV9810000/ CAS# 57-55-6: TY2000000 / CAS# 7664-38-2: TB6300000/ CAS# 67-63-0: NT8050000 / CAS# 65545-80-4:TR1581533 / CAS# 107-19-7: UK5075000

LD50 /LC50: CAS# 7732-18-5: LD50= >90 mL/Kg /CAS 7647-01-0:Oral, rabbit:LD50 =900 mg/kg; Inhalation, mouse:LC50 1108 ppm/1H/ / CAS# 100-97-0: Oral, mouse LD50 = 569 mg/kg / CAS# 10043-52-4: Oral, mouse LD50 = 1940 mg/Kg; Oral, rat LD50 = 1 g/Kg / CAS# 57-55-6: Oral, rat LD50 = 20 g/Kg / CAS# 7664-38-2: Oral, mouse LD50 = 1.25 g/Kg; Oral, rat LD50 = 1530 mg/Kg / CAS# 67-63-0: Oral, mouse: LD50 = 3600 mg/kg; Oral, rabbit: LD50 = 6410 mg/kg; Oral, rat: LD50 = 5045 mg/kg; Skin, rabbit = 12800 mg/kg / CAS# 65545-80-4: Oral, mouse LD50 = 1700 mg/Kg / CAS# 107-19-7: Oral, rat LD50 = 20 mg/Kg; Oral, mouse LD50 = 50 mg/Kg
  • Carcinogenicity:
IARC: Isopropyl alcohol, CAS 67-63-0 and Hydrochloric acid. CAS 7647-01-0 are Group 3 animal carcinogens, but NOT listed on ACGIH, NIOSH, NTR or OSHA.
Other Ingredients are not listed as carcinogens by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTR, or OSHA
Tetragonicity; CAS 7647-01-0 Embryo or Fetus; Stunted Fetus.IHL-Rat TCLo= 450 mg/m3/1H. Specific Development Abnormalities; homeostasis, int-net TCLow=400 mg/m3/1H.,
Mutagenicity: CAS 7647-01-0 sin-dmg-ihl:100 ppm/24H sin-dmg-orl:100 ppm cyt-grh-par :20 mg cyt-ham lung:30 mmol/l cyt-ovr-ham:8 mmol/l.

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12. Ecological Information

  • Environmental Fate: This substance will neutralize soil carbonate-based compounds in the environment. If undiluted product is released into natural water bodies, test pH and adjust alkalinity to offset introduction of Alken LRSD 890.
  • Environmental Toxicity: CAS 7647-01-0: Trout LC100=10 mg/L/24H Shrimp LC50=100-330 ppm Starfish LC50=100-330mg/L/48H Shore crab LC50=240 mg/L/48H Chronic plant toxicity=100 ppm Fish-toxicity LC50:862 mg/l. Can cause a serious pH drop if not thoroughly diluted or neutralized prior to dispensing into sewer system or other body of water

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13. Disposal Considerations

 RCRA Hazard Class (if discarded): CORROSIVE D002 Whatever product cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste facility. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Empty containers may contain residues. Thoroughly clean empty container, then offer for recycling, reuse or disposal in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.

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14. Transportation Information (49 CFR 172.101)

  • DOT Proper Shipping Name: Corrosive Liquid Solution (Contains Hydrochloric acid, solution) Class 8, UN 1789, PG II
  • DOT Hazard Class: 8 (Corrosive)
  • UN/NA ID Number: 1789
  • Packing Group: II
  • DOT Label: Corrosive Liquid Solution (Contains Hydrochloric acid, solution) Class 8, UN 1789, PG II

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15. Regulatory Information

  • TSCA: (40CFR 710) All chemical ingredients are listed on the TSCA 8(b) inventory. None of the ingredients are on the Health and Safety Reporting List, are under Chemical Test rule, are listed under TSCA Section 12B, or have a SNUR under TSCA
  • CERCLA Reportable Quantity: (40CFR 302.4) 5,000 lbs. of hydrochloric acid (1500 gal of product). 3,000 lbs [2,270 kg] of Acetophenone, final RQ.

..................................Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances: Final RQ = 5,000 lbs.; TPQ = 500 lbs; RQ = 5,000 lbs (dos not meet toxicity criteria because of high production volume and recognized toxicity, considered a chemical of concern.

..................................Section 311 Hazard Categorization: Acute Health, Delayed Health, Chronic Health

..................................Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: Hydrochloric acid and Acetophenone are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARA title III and 40 CFR part 373

  • Clean Air Act: Hydrochloric acid is listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP), but does not contain ozone depletors, nor was it made from such chemicals..
  • Clean Water Act: Hydrochloric acid IS listed as a hazardous substance under CWA
  • OSHA: Hydrochloric acid IS LISTED as "Extremely Hazardous" by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29CFR 1910.1200).
  • STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW LISTS: Hydrochloric acid, CAS# 7647-01-1,(9.6%) can be found on the following state RTK lists: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachussetts, Maine, Minnesota,New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & Rhode Island. Hexamine CAS# 100-97-0 [<1%] and Isopropyl alcohol CAS# 67-63-0 (< 1%) are listed on the following RTK lists: California, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, Minnesota & Massachusetts. Propargyl alcohol, CAS# 107-19-7 (<1%) IS found on the following RTK lists: Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, & Tennessee. Other ingredients are NOT listed on the following RTK lists: California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island or Tennessee.
  • Not subject to California Proposition 65 labeling requirements (California)
  • Canadian DSL: Chemical ingredients ARE ALL listed on Canada's DSL list. Product is authorized for sale in Canada
  • Canada's Ingredient Disclosure List: Hydrochloric acid (CAS# 7647-01-1), representing 9.6% of product. CAS# 107-19-7, Propargyl alcohol CAS 107-19-7 & CAS Hexamine, 100-97-0 representing <1% of this product ARE listed on the CIDL, but other ingredients in this product are not present on the CIDL. This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.
  • Canadian WHMIS: Class E - "corrosive" & Class D2"Other Toxic Effects"
  • TDG Classification: Corrosive Liquid Solution (Contains Hydrochloric acid, solution) Class 8, UN 1789, PG II

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16. Other Information

Reason for Revision: Formulary Review and Revision

Alken-Murray Corporation provides the information contained herein in good faith, in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Alken-Murray warrants that this product is of merchantable quality. The implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is limited to the extent the products are used for the purpose or uses described on the product's label or in any written instructions or materials distributed to the buyer by Alken-Murray and is hereby disclaimed should buyer use the products in a manner inconsistent with this uses or purposes described therein. In no event shall Alken-Murray be liable for any consequential, exemplary, or incidental damages incurred by buyer even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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