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Typical Physical Properties

 Color  Transparent amber
 Odor  Aromatic hydrocarbon
 Flash point, PMCC,  205 degrees F
 Viscosity, kinematic, cS @ 100 degrees F  4.88
 Pour point  <0 deg. F
 Specific gravity at 70F*   1.002
 Density, lb/gal*  8.35
 Ash, %  0.9
 Shelf-Life  Indefinite


 According to the "North American Emergency Response Guidebook for Shipment between U.S., Canada, and Mexico for All Common Carriers" defines this product as "NON-COMBUSTIBLE" for transport, so no special labeling is required for transport.

*Density and specific gravity may vary by as much as 5% lower than the number given due to variation in density of one raw material.


Revised 02/08/2006

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