Effective Date: 01/11/2007

 Product Bulletin

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 Material Safety Data Sheet
 Manufacturer's Name: Alken-Murray Corporation
 Manufacturer's Address: P.O. Box 400, New Hyde Park, New York 11040
  T: 540-636-1236 Fax: 540-636-1770
 Manufacturer's Cage Code: 2A384
For chemical emergency - spill, leak, fire or accident - call CHEMTREC - day or night - (800) 424-9300 or outside the USA (703) 527-3887

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NFPA Hazard Ratings:

0=Minimal, 1=Slight, 2=Moderate, 3=Serious, 4=Severe

 Health=2  Fire=0  Reactivity=1

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Canadian WHMIS Classification D 2 B

All ingredients on Canadian DSL and USA TSCA lists

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1. Product Identification

 Synonyms:  None
 CAS Number:  Not applicable to mixtures
 Chemical Formula:  mixture
 Formula ID Codes:  8104

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2. Composition/Information on Ingredients

 Chemical Name  CAS Number  OSHA PEL  ACGIH TLV   % Weight
Ammonium chloride  12125-02-9   NDA   10 mg/m3  65 - 80
Diammonium phosphate (DAP)  7783-28-0  NDA   10 mg/m3   15 - 20
 Dicyandiamide   468-58-5  NDA   NDA  1 - 3
 Micronutrients  NA - mixture  NDA  NDA   1 - 2

Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary and/or non-hazardous. All chemical ingredients appear on the EPA TSCA inventory.

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3. Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview: Product should neither be breathed nor eaten.

Potential Health Effects:

  • Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Eye, skin irritation
  • Signs and Symptoms of Chronic overexposure: Dermatitis and skin sensitization
  • Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Allergies, dermatitis.
  • Ingestion: Ingestion (acute exposure) of ammonium salts may produce nausea, vomiting, gastric irritation. Large doses (over 6 grams) may cause systemic ammonia toxicity. Symptoms may include heavy breathing, blue skin, dulness, restlessness, convulsions or coma. DSP ingestion may result in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shock, hypertension, slow pulse, cyanosis, coma and convulsions.

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4. First Aid Measures

  • Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air
  • Ingestion: Wash mouth out with water or milk. Get medical aid for chemical ingredients.
  • Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash skin with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Wash clothing before reuse.
  • Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
  • Note to Physician: Treat chemical exposure symptomatically and supportively.

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5. Fire Fighting Measures

 Flash Point: > 93 C (>199.40 F) Ammonium salt is nonflammable, DAP has a negligible fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame.

Flammability Limits: NA

Autoignition temp: NA

Fire Extinguishing Media: Water spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical

Special Fire-Fighting Information: None

Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Strong oxidizers. Possible violent reaction with sodium hypochlorite.

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6. Accidental Release Measures

Soil spill: Dig a pit, pond, or lagoon holding area to contain liquid or solid material. Cover solids with a plastic sheet to prevent dissolving in rain or firefighting water. Water spill: Add suitable agent to neutralize spilled material to pH 7 then place into a chemical waste container. Wear approved respirator for nuisance dust during cleanup. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802.

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7. Handling and Storage

 Store in cool dry place. Prevent skin and eye contact. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use. Avoid creating dust. Use approved respirator. Keep container closed when not in use.

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8. Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection

  • Ventilation System: Good general ventilation is advisable
  • Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): if needed, use respirator to screen out nuisance dust and fumes
  • Skin Protection: Long sleeved clothing
  • Eye Protection: Safety glasses if dust is raised
  • Other Control Measures: Minimize exposure in accordance with good hygiene practice. Avoid handling which would create large amounts of dust.

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9. Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Appearance and Color: Free-flowing off-white to light tan powder.
  • Odor: Strong ammonia
  • Solubility in Water: 99%
  • Specific Gravity: NDA
  • pH: 6.7-7.7
  • % volatile by volume @ 21C (70F): 0
  • Boiling Point: 520 C (968F)
  • Melting Point: 338C (640F) Sublimes
  • Vapor Density (Air=1): 1.9
  • Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 1.0 @ 160 C (320F)
  • Evaporation Rate (Bu. Acetate=1): NDA

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10. Stability and Reactivity

  • Stability: Product is stable under normal temperature and pressures.
  • Hazardous Decomposition Products: Contact of ammonium salts with bromine trifluoride may cause explosion. Violent reaction between ammonium salts may occur on contact with iodine heptafluoride. Ammonium salts forms unstable ammonium perchlorate in combination with potassium chlorate.
  • Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur.
  • Incompatibility: See hazardous decomposition, above, and caustics.
  • Conditions to Avoid: Exposure to strong acids, bromine trifluoride, iodine heptafluoride, potassium chlorate. Explosive nitrogen trichloride may result from reaction of ammonium chloride and hydrogen cyanide.

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11. Toxicological Information

  • Toxicological Data:
RTECS:  CAS#12125-02-9: BP4550000/ CAS# 7783-28-0: TB9375000/ CAS# 461-58-5: ME9950000
LD50/LC50: CAS# 7783-28-0: oral,rat, LD50 = >2,000 mg/Kg, dermal, rat LD50 = >5,000 mg/Kg CAS# 12125-02-9: oral,rat LD50 = 1650 mg/Kg, Draize, rabbit, eye = 500 mg/Kg
  • Carcinogenicity: Ingredients not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTR, or OSHA

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12. Ecological Information

Environmental Fate: If diluted with water, this product is expected to increase aquatic eutrophication, with attendant overgrowth of algae, micro-algae, weeds and Cyanobacteria. Product delivers 250,000 mg/Kg ammonia-nitrogen and 45,000 mg/Kg soluble phosphate when applied directly to water body. Aquatic pollution can be bioremediated by addition of Alken Clear-Flo 1100-50x.

Environmental Toxicity: Prevent release to potable water sources for mammals (includes humans, livestock & wildlife). Will cause digestive irritation, if consumed by mammals.

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13. Disposal Considerations

 RCRA Hazard Class (if discarded): This substance, when discarded or disposed of, is not specifically listed as a hazardous waste in Federal regulations; however it could be hazardous if it is considered toxic, corrosive, ignitable or reactive according to Federal definitions (40 CFR 251). Additionally, it could be designated as hazardous according to state regulations. This substance could also become a hazardous waste if it is mixed with or comes in contact with a hazardous waste. If such contact or mixing have occurred, check 40 CFR 261 to determine whether it is classified as a hazardous waste. If it is classified as a hazardous waste, regulations 40 CFR 262, 263 & 264 apply. Do not reuse empty containers without adequate precautions to assure that all residues are cleaned out.

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14. Transportation Information

  • DOT Proper Shipping Name: Not regulated as hazardous by DOT
  • DOT Hazard Class: None
  • DOT Label: Class 50: drums(NMFC item 68140, sub 5) "Fertilizer compound , NOI powder in pails or drums

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15. Regulatory Information

  • TSCA: (40CFR 710) All chemical ingredients are listed on the TSCA 8(b) inventory. None of the ingredients are on the Health and Safety Reporting List, are under Chemical Test rule, are listed under TSCA Section 12B, or have an SNUR under TSCA
  • CERCLA Reportable Quantity: Ammonium chloride - 5,000 lbs (6,250 lbs of product)
  • Clean Air Act: This formula does not contain any hazardous air pollutants or ozone depletors
  • Clean Water Act: None of the chemicals in this product are listed as hazardous, toxic or priority pollutants.
  • STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW LAWS: Ingredients not listed on California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, or Rhode Island.
  • Not subject to California Proposition 65 labeling requirements.

..................................Section 302/304 Extremely Hazardous Substances: None

..................................Section 311 Hazard Categorization: Acute, chronic

..................................Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None

  • Canadian WHMIS Classification: Class D2B
  • Canada's Ingredient Disclosure List: Ingredients do not appear on this list. This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.
  • Canadian DSL: All ingredients on DSL. Product is approved for sale in Canada.

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16. Other Information

Reason for Revision: Routine review & revision

Alken-Murray Corporation provides the information contained herein in good faith, in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Alken-Murray warrants that this product is of merchantable quality. The implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is limited to the extent the products are used for the purpose or uses described on the product's label or in any written instructions or materials distributed to the buyer by Alken-Murray and is hereby disclaimed should buyer use the products in a manner inconsistent with this uses or purposes described therein. In no event shall Alken-Murray be liable for any consequential, exemplary, or incidental damages incurred by buyer even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.