Elvira Alfonso1, 2, Elpido Beltrame 2, Edemar R. Andreatta 2, Alitiene Lemos 2 y Jair Quaresma 2.

1. Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.
2. Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil.

This treatise was accepted for publication in August 1996 in the Magazine of Marine Investigations (published jointly by the University of Havana, Cuba and the University Nacional Atóónoma of Mexico).

Translated from Spanish to English with the use of Babelfish from AltaVista and by Valerie Anne Edwards

See original Spanish text at:


Recently, some live microorganisms have appeared on the market designed as waste degraders for Aquaculture. The effect of two products on the larval rearing of the white shrimp Penaeus schmitti was tested. This species is commercially cultured in Brazil and Cuba. Dosages were evaluated, the products' role in water quality and the possible control of the gut epithelium scaling syndrome of the animals, known as "Bolitas", were studied. In order to analyze the results, the following have been considered: survival, metamorphosis rate, larval quality and size of the postlarva1. It was concluded that the tested products can be used even with the Protozoea I stage. This has enabled the daily water exchange rate to be reduced from 100% to 30% in the larval rearing process and prevention of gut epithelium scaling syndrome in the larvae. These products look promising for optimizing P. schmitti postlarvae production.

Key words: Peneids, larval rearing, beneficial bacteria.



Recientemente han aparecido en el mercado microorganismos vivos que actúan como degradadores biológicos de resíduos orgánicos en Acuicultura. Se probó el efecto de dos productos en la cría de larvas del camarón blanco Penaeus schmitti, que es cultivado a nivel comercial en Brasil y en Cuba. Se evaluaron dosis, así como la acción de los productos sobre la calidad del agua y sobre el posible control del síndrome de descamación del epitelio del tracto digestivo de los animales, conocido como "Bolitas". Se tomaron en cuenta la supervivencia, la velocidad de metamorfosis, la calidad de las larvas y el crecimiento alcanzado hasta postlarva1. Se concluyó que los productos pueden ser suministrados desde Protozoea I . Los mismos posibilitaron la reducción de la tasa diaria de renovación del agua de 100% para 30% en la larvicultura, además evitaron la aparición del síndrome de descamación del epitelio digestivo de las larvas. Estos productos presentan buenas perspectivas de éxito actuando en la optimización de la producción de postlarvas de P. schmitti.
Palabras claves: Peneidos, larvicultura, bacterias beneficios

As more intensive methods of larviculture have been developed, the incidence of disease has increased. All referring publications agree that the main method for avoiding disease requires the maintenance of good handling of the larviculture together with strict sanitary control and constant monitoring to maintain a balanced ecology
Until recently, the use of antibiotics was the only method commonly practiced to control the undesirable bacteria. The use of antibiotics creates its own difficulties, such as the associated increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, increased ecological problems caused by the presence of resistant bacteria, toxic chemistries of the antibiotics and later, the restriction of which drugs are allowed to be used for shrimp farming, necessitated the search for other biological options to control the diseases. The alternative of being able to manipulate the bacterial flora and the ecology of the systems of larviculture through the inoculation of beneficial bacteria is very viable, so that the source of laboratory postlarvae can continue to be established in the future.
The most novel option in this field is the use of probiotics to manipulate the bacterial flora in the commercial laboratories. According to Garriques and Arevalo (1995) several theories exist that explain the performance of the probiotics: competitive exclusion of pathogenic bacteria in the Aquaculture system; improvement of digestion by ingestion of essential nutrients; improved nutrition by ingestion of essential enzymes; substances released by bacteria, during their natural transformation of organic matter, that inhibit the growth of opportunistic pathogens. This practice includes the culture of selected stocks of beneficial bacteria that are inoculated intentionally in the larviculture tanks.
Recently, products have appeared in the market that combine bacteria able to degrade organic matter with nitrifying bacteria that eliminate ammonium in the water. These products, are easy to manipulate and store, in addition to possessing the desired properties, thus avoiding the necessity of producing the bacterial cultures in the aquaculture laboratory, reducing expenses of personnel and additional facilities.
Few references are available on the use of these products in the culture of marine shrimps, but none are available for their use with Penaeus schmitti.

We thank the Federal University of Santa Catarina and the National Council of Development Cientíífico and Technolóógico (NCPq) of Brazil, for the support of this investigation. The Planaqua Company Aquicultura Technologia of Brazil and M. Silva de Salinas, Ecuador provided the Alken Clear-Flo products for the tests.

The commercial live microorganisms, Alken Clear-Flo 1000 and 1200 (from ALKEN-MURRAY CORPORATION, 1994) possess the following characteristics: ACF 1000. - is a brown colored powder that contains three species of Bacillus (B. subtilis, 2 strains: B. licheniformis and B. polymyxa) able to produce a fast reduction of the excess of food, lees, etc. ACF 1200. - is a liquid with a cloudy appearance containing 26 million bacterias/ml. It is a combination of Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, P. fluorescens and Escherichia hermanii, that degrades the excess organic matter. In addition, ACF 1200 contains the bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradsky for the elimination of ammonia and nitrite in water.
 (Manufacturer's note: ACF 1200 was improved in 1997, increasing the count to 500 million colony forming units of bacteria/ml and P.aeruginosa was replaced by two strains of P. putida, E. hermanii was replaced with Enterobacter cloacae and P. stutzeri was replaced by B. licheniformis. The improvement allows for a lower dose to be applied. ACF 1000 was improved in 1999 by substituting B. thuringiensis for B.polymyxa)

Three experiments were conducted, first to evaluate if the doses recommended for P. vannamei are adapted for larvae of P. schmitti, without affecting the survival, the speed of metamorphosis and the quality of the animals. The second test was made to determine the action of the product on the quality of water, with rates of daily water change reduced from 100% tor 30% for 100 densities of larvas/litro. A third experiment was made in larviculture of HD to evaluate the effect of ACF 1000 before the presence of well-known diseases like " bolitas ", primarily in the phase of protozoea.

Dosage of the products ACF 1000 and ACF 1200.
ACF products are recommended from the beginning of the sub-stage of Protozoea II for P. vannamei in Ecuador. The dose for 1000 ACF is 0.2 ppm initially, being decreased to 0.1 ppm every day after the water is changed. If some problem is detected in the larviculture, such as the presence of the disease "bolitas" or a high load of organic matter in the tanks, an initial dose of 0.5 ppm is increased to 1 ppm in the following days (Silva R., Laboratory Brave Sea, Salt mines, personal Ecuador, com., 1995). For ACF 1200, the manufacturer recommends a daily dose of 5 ppm for high levels of organic matter; 2.75 ppm for average levels and 0.5 ppm for low levels. This experiment proved that the doses recommended for P. vannamei were correct in this case for use at the end of Protozoea I. Fueron used cylinder-conical fiber glass tanks with 40 liter capacity. They count on a valve in the inferior part for the positioning of the equipment of water interchange. The volume of water used was 30 liters. The sea water used by the main network of the laboratory, previously filtered by sand and cartridges of 5 micrometers, with influent temperature of 26 C, was obtained by means of heat diffusing equipment.
Through the experiment the water temperature was controlled at that level by using 100 watt heaters in each experimental unit, which are connected to a central thermostat. Fueron used Nauplios III of desove, which they were selected by positive fototactismo and incubated at the rate of 100 nauplios/liter. The applied experimental design appears in Table 1. There were three processings with four simultaneous repetitions, totalizing 12 experimental units.


First table
The rate of daily water exchange was 100% from Protozoea II, with products added immediately after the water exchange of each tank, with the exception of the first application in Protozoea I. The feed consisted of diatoms (Chaetoceros calcitrans) from Protozoea I that were adjusted three times a day to produce concentrations of 80 million cells/ml and of flagellated (Tetraselmis tetrathele) that were offered from Protozoea II. The biological parameters examined to analyze the results were: daily survival, larval quality as determined by microscopic observations twice a day and speed of growth, applying the parameters of Desarrollo de Villegas and Kanazawa (1979).

Effects of the products Alken Clear-Flo on the reduction of the rate of water exchange.
One function of these products is the control of ammonium and the nitrite, in addition to the degradation of excess organic matter present in the system, composed of leftover ration, dead lees, seaweed, etc. This probably allows a considerable reduction of the rate of water exchange, without harming the quality of the same one. In this test the rate of renovation adopted throughout the period of experimentation was of 30% as experimental conditions were equal to those of the previous experiment. The experiment included the phases from Nauplio III to Postlarva1. From Protozoea III the dose of products became stabilized in 0.5 ppm for ACF 1000 and 5 ppm for ACF 1200, added diaramente to the experimental units after carried out the renovation of the water (30%). The registered physical parameters were: temperature, pH and ammonium oxidized. The observed biological parameters were: daily survival and speed of growth of the animals. In addition, samples were viewed with the microscope to evaluate the larval quality during the experiment. The feeding of the larvae followed the pattern used by the Laboratory of Camarõões Marinhos-UFSC (Table 2).



Table 2

Evaluation of the effect of Alken Clear-Flo 1000 on the presence of "bolitas".
There was preliminary evidence of the effect exerted on the well-known disease "bolitas" by the product ACF 1000, in the larviculture tanks of P.schmitti. In Ecuador, this product is used as a prophylactic and curative in commercial systems raising the larvae of P. vannamei.
Two fiber glass tanks were used with a volume of 5 cubic meters, of white color and semicircular bottom. The tanks were incubated to HD (400 nauplios/liter) with diverse originating spawning larvae of the sector of maturation of the Laboratory. Filtered sea water was utilized in the system of the laboratory, withe 34% solids and average temperature of 26 °C. This test was developed from Nauplio III to Protozoea III, since the mortality caused by this syndrome is commonly observed in the sub-stage of Protozoea II.
The feeding consisted of the microalga Chaetoceros calcitrans, maintained to a density of 80 thousand cel/ml in the two experimental units, adjusting three times per day. From the end of the sub-stage of Protozoea I, it was applied to the one of the tanks processing with ACF 1000, in the initial concentration of 0.2 ppm, being increased 0.1 ppm daily until the end of the experiment. To the second tank no product was added, instead the methodology of culture of the Laboratory was used. The larval survival was determined daily, and their state of health was also observed microscopically three times per day, to verify quality and the presence of "bolitas".


Dosage of the products Alken Clear-Flo 1000 and1200.
The survival reached in Nauplio III to Protozoea III was high, not difriendo of the pattern without products. In all of the processings in which the survival was nearly 100%, differences in the consumption of microalga by the larvae was observed, according to the verification of the residual alga conducted three times per day. The quality of the larvae between the processings was similar. The larvae stayed active, with positive fototactismo and occupied digestive tract. The observation of fecal cords showed that the food throughout was well digested during each one of the processings of the experiment. The speed of growth of Nauplio III to Protozoea III was similar for all the cases.
Based on these results it was possible to state that the processings with Alken Clear-Flo 1000 and 1200 do not cause mortality nor apparent damage to the larvae of P. schmitti during the protozoea phase, when the peneidos are considered very delicate. The doses used for P. vannamei in Ecuador from Protozoea II can be applied in P. schmitti from Protozoea I.
The application of products from the end of this sub-stage is considered to guarantee that the shrimp will not be affected by such applications, providing therefore a greater security in the preventive processing of the diseases, among them, the one of the syndrome of destruction of the epithileal cells of the digestive tract that is pronounced in Protozoea II.

Effect of the products Alken Clear-Flo on the reduction of therate of water exchange.
The test values of total ammonium were below the acceptable limit for shrimp larvae (0.10 to 0.75 g/liter), despite reducing the rate at which water was changed from 100% to 30%, which appears to be due to the positive effect of products on the quality of the water. In the processing pattern the ammonium levels were superior, with little of the white precipitate that indicates excess organics, according to the indications of the kit used for the measurements. The test results indicated values of pH between 7.5 and 8.0 for the three processings. At the end of the experiment, there was superior survival of the larvae from Protozoea III treated with Alken Clear-Flo when compared with that of the untreated larvae for postlarva1, as can be observed in Table 3. These results demonstrate that a positive effect of products existed during the larval phase.


Table 3

In Table 4 it is possible to observe that the growth of the animals was also different with the application of products. A stature of 4.36 mm for postlarvae1 was obtained with ACF 1000, that was significantly superior as compared to ACF 1200 from 4.22 mm and to the pattern without products of 4.14 mm that were not different to each other. This suggests product ACF 1000 also acts like food for the larvae.


Table 4

It has been indicated that the growth of the animals is generally determined by the feeding (Kuban and col., 1985; Alfonso and col., 1988). Similar criteria indicate and col. Striking (1995) states that the growth obtained for larvae of P. setiferus from the provided diet was also affected by the physiological state of the animals. It is also known that the bacteria comprise a portion of the shrimps feed, so that this "pool" of bacteria is implicated as being responsible for the increased growth of the shrimps obtained when ACF 1000 was added.
The quality of the larvae in the first days (NIII - PIII) stayed similar according to the observations of their conduct and the morphology. From Mysis I until Postlarva 1, the animals of the experimental units pertaining to the processing pattern without products showed dirt in the appendices, slow swimming and smaller response to the light source. These signals are characteristic of the low rate of water change, since in this phase there is necessity of major water changes above 30%. Nevertheless, the effect of products ACF 1000 and 1200, makes possible smaller water changes as the bacteria degrade the organic matter present in the water bodies. These products have a beneficial action on the quality of the water, and consequently, on the survival, the quality of the larvae and its growth.


Evaluation of the products Alken Clear-Flo 1000 against the presence of "bolitas".

The differences in the survival of the Protozoeas dosed with ACF 1000 as compared with those that were not treated:

Larvas treated: P II =100% P III = 97.5%:
Untreated larvas: P II = 94.3% P III = 56.05%
These results for P. schmitti are similar to those found by Silva (in a personal communication) in commercial laboratories of P. vannamei, using the same product. Through the microscope it was observed that the treated larvae from Protozoea II did not display the later portion of empty digestive tracts or dirt in the appendices. According to the counts of the residual microalga in the tanks, the mean consumption of the food also differed between treated and untreated:

Another table
The larvae without processing consumed less seaweed in the presence of the disease, whereas the treated larvae always displayed occupied digestive tracts and the lees showed the digested affluent food. It was also observed that the treated larvae did not display a deficient response to the compared light and low vitality like the untreated larvae, which appeared with empty digestive tracts, a syndrome typically seen in animals with the syndrome of descamation of the epithileum of the digestive tract, according to reports Morales (1992) in P. vannamei.
These products exerted a positive effect in the control of this disease caused by bacteria during the larval phase of P. schmitti. The execution of tests for the postlarval stages would be recommendable, as well as to experience with other products. For the obtained results, these products prepared with combinations of beneficial bacteria display good prospects for use in intensive processes of larviculture of P. schmitti.

It is possible to apply live commercial organic degrading microorganisms from Protozoea I ofPenaeus schmitti.
The products Alken Clear-Flo 1000 and 1200 make it possible to reduce the rate of water exchange from 100% to 30% in the young of the larvae to enhance population densities.
Use of these products avoided the appearance of the disease of "bolitas: in protozoaes of P.schmitti in the tanks of intensive larviculture.


Alfonso, E., L. Martínez, R. Gelabert y S. Leal (1988): Alimentación de larvas del camarón Penaeus schmitti. I. Diatomeas y flagelados. Rev. Invest. Mar., 9 (1):47-58.

ALKEN-MURRAY CORPORATION (1994): Waste degrader for Aquaculture. Product Information Bulletin, New York, pp: 1-8.

Gallardo, P. P., E. Alfonso, G. Gaxiola, L. Soto y C. Rosas (1995): Feeding schedule for Penaeus setiferus larvae based on diatoms (Chaetoceros ceratosporum), flagellates (Tetraselmis chuii) and Artemia nauplii. Aquaculture 131: 239-252.

Garriques, D. y G. Arevalo (1995): An evaluation of the production and use of a live bacterial isolate to manipulate the microbial flora in the commercial production of Penaeus vannamei postlarvae in Ecuador. In: Proceedings of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming of the World Aquaculture Society (Aquaculture '95), Feb/95, San Diego California, pp: 53-59.

Kuban, F. D., A. L. Lawrence y J. S. Wilkenfeld (1985): Survival, metamorphosis and growth of larvae from four peneids species fed six food combinations. Aquaculture, 47: 151-162.

Morales, I. (1992): Observaciones sobre el síndrome de descamación del epitelio digestivo "Bolitas" en larvas de Penaeus vannamei en Ecuador. Memorias del I Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura, Guayaquil, Ecuador, pp: 203-208.

Villegas, C. y A. Kanazawa (1979): Relationship between diet composition and growth of the zoeal and mysis stages of Penaeus japonicus Bate. Fish Res. J. Philipp., 4:32-40.

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