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Why are bacteria ideally suited for waste treatment and aquatic restoration? Bacteria are nature's recyclers. They have the ability to degrade an astonishing number of compounds, due to their evolution in myriad locations over millions of years, enhancing their suitability for a large variety of natural and manmade systems. Once the environmental and nutritional requirements of different species of bacteria are quantified, their abilities to completely clean and re-stabilize a system can be harnessed. Certain challenge and selection techniques, such as those used in the production of Alken Clear-Flo® formulas ,can be employed to further enhance their appetites for certain difficult to degrade compounds. |
2. Exactly how do bacteria degrade
waste? Bacteria produce enzymes that allow them to break up complex compounds into pieces that can enter the cell to be used for growth and reproduction. Some bacteria use the carbohydrates and proteins usually found in the suspended solids that elevate biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), while others employ compounds most organisms cannot, such as sulfide, ammonia and hydrocarbons. When added to water, the bacteria attach themselves to solid particles, whether floating in the water or settled on the bottom, and secrete enzymes which decompose the particles. Certain dissolved compounds, such as ammonia and sulfide, are absorbed directly into the cell. Combinations of species often provide a more powerful and complete degradation of specific pollutants than individual strains applied alone, because the by-products of one species often serve as another species' food. Only a correctly balanced formula of bacterial strains, such as Alken Clear-Flo®, Enz-Odor®, Nu-Bind and Treat-A-Loo formulas, can use this synergistic effect to completely break down pollutants to non-toxic by-products such as carbon dioxide, water and sulfate. |
3. What happens to the bacteria
when the job is done? Bacteria replicate at an enormously fast rate when they are well fed, about once every 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the species. The bacteria will replicate as long as the pollutants in the system can feed the population. As the pollution level decreases, the bacteria die off and reproduce less often. In this way, the population naturally tailors itself to the pollution level. By the time the job is done, the bacteria have died back to a normal population. Some will go into dormancy, and reactivate if the pollution level begins to rise again. |
4. Are Alken-Murray bacteria or
fungi genetically engineered? No. All bacteria and fungi used in Alken-Murray formulas are natural environmental isolates, selected for desirable properties and challenge adapted. They are not genetically altered in any way. |
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