Factory Tour - Page 4
A mixture of 1100 pounds wheat bran, 200 pounds of rice and soy hulls and 40 gallons of water are mixed together in this ROTARY COOKER. This cooker's temperature is raised to 250°F, for one hour, using steam introduced through pipes at both ends. Although the rice hulls have no nutritive value, they are added to confer sufficient sponginess to the bran mixture to enhance air circulation for the bacterial growth. 

Rotary cooker

Inoculum is sprayed onto the wheat bran on these trays

The wheat bran is removed from the sterilizer/cooker and inoculum from the 5 gallon jugs is sprayed onto wheat bran on these trays, shown, here, ready for culturing and drying.

The CULTURING and DRYING TUNNELS provide optimum growth, by controlling humidity and temperature, using steam sparges on each side, and oxygenation with forced air circulation. During culturing, the temperature is maintained at 88°F and 90% relative humidity. The air is exchanged twice each minute.

Following the culturing period of 24 to 36 hours (an interval which depends on whether the bacteria is gram-negative or positive), the temperature is increased to between 105° and 110°F, depending on the bacterial strain. Steam filled radiators on each side begin to heat the air being circulated, so that the bran begins to dry. The bran is in solid cake form, as it comes from the tunnel. 

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