Factory Tour - Packaging and Shipping

Picture of bottle filling machine

For small products, like the consumer packaging of Alken Enz-Odor, the BOTTLING MACHINE to the right is used to efficiently and consistently fill the bottles. This machine can fill roughly 120 of these pint bottles per minute.

NEW POLICY: We will only package in pints, quarts, and cases of single gallon bottles for orders which exceed a total of 1,100 gallons, per product.


EXCEPTION: If a client supplies bottles, labels and packing material, we will accept small package orders for 550 gallons or more. 

The PAPERWORK for an outgoing shipment is being compared with the items gathered on the warehouse floor, to ensure that all products ordered are included in the shipment, that all test data is within acceptable range and that an MSDS for each product ordered, is included.


For FOREIGN SHIPMENTS, the inspection also examines the appropriate export documents and samples withdrawn for various government authorities, when required.

Picture of final inspection before an order is shipped

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