An Enzyme at Work


Diagram of the activity of an enzyme

Bacteria secrete distinctive enzymes that break down waste and toxins into simpler compounds that they can use as nutrient sources. The exact mechanism by which enzymes break down large molecules is uncertain, but it is believed to be related to a matching of molecular shapes.

A relatively high dose initial treatment, applied daily, with an Alken Clear-Flo® series bacterial inoculant gives these beneficial microorganisms a competitive advantage. They establish a healthy biomass that is then maintained with smaller supplemental doses, applied weekly or biweekly. When rains bring fresh water into open systems, feed, fecal matter and ammonia accumulate to the point of overload, requiring re-inoculation with the initial dosage to stabilize the system. After treatment with antibiotics or copper sulfate, Alken Clear-Flo® should be reseeded to reestablish the biological cycle.

The Biological Cycles

Microorganisms play a vital role in the normal biological cycles by converting soluble organic compounds into new bacterial cells and inorganic elements. This natural biological process provides conversion of waste organics (animal and plant life) to carbon dioxide and water. Pathogenic bacteria cause disease to humans and animals. Nonpathogenic bacteria can be divided into chemosynthetics, (such as sulfur bacteria which oxidize hydrogen sulfide first into free sulfur and sulfate), nitrifiers (which oxidize ammonia to nitrite, nitrate and nitrogen gas, depending on the level of aeration present), and saprophytics (organisms which live on dead organic materials). While nature normally has a greater population of non-pathogenic bacteria than pathogenic bacteria, this balance may be upset in high-density pork production facilities. By introducing large numbers of nonpathogenic bacteria, such as those found in Alken Clear-Flo® formulas, it is possible to crowd out many undesirable pathogenic strains while degrading targeted pollutants. Bacteria are single-celled organisms of the Monera kingdom, neither plant nor animal which usually select heterotrophic nutrition. 

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