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Alken Clear-Flo® Success in
Chinese River Cleanup Project

A team of Alken-Murray Corporation technicians from the U.S. and Europe were dispatched to China in October of 1993 to demonstrate the potential for rapid and effective cleanup of rivers, lakes and ponds with Alken Clear-Flo® bio-products. A drastic improvement in sludge removal and water clarification was experienced over a span of three weeks during which Alken Clear-Flo® 7000 (dry), 7018 (dry) and 1200 (liquid) formulas were applied, using a locally-made bio-activator, to a prominent stretch of the Kunming River in Yunnan, China.

picture of river prior to cleanup
Prior to Alken Clear-Flo® Application The water in this stretch of the Kunming River was murky and black in color with a zero dissolved oxygen reading. The anoxic water was so heavily laden with suspended organic waste (fertilizers, animal droppings, fish-farming by-products, septic tank seepage, direct disposal of raw garbage) and other pollutants (such as industrial wastewater) that the eutrophic river emitted an unbearably heavy stench. Fish and other local fauna had disappeared some years before when the water became so toxic that even boiling could not make it safe for the local inhabitants to use for cooking or drinking.
picture of river after 1 week of applicationAfter One Week of Application The facultative anaerobic bacteria in Alken Clear-Flo® 7000 and 7018 began degrading and breaking up the sludge at the bottom of the river bed in a process known as bio-dredging,* clearly demonstrated by the sudden surfacing of chunks of broken-up sludge. At the same time dangerous gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were gradually removed in a process known as destratification.
picture of river in the middl of the 2nd week of treatment


During the Middle of Week #2 of Application The river current had carried away the floating chunks of sludge (released in week #1) and the black water had turned light green showing improved clarity. Low reading of dissolved oxygen began to register as a side effect from the respiration of photosynthetic organisms which could now survive in the water. Once oxygen was present, the aerobic bacteria in Alken Clear-Flo® 1200 continued the clarification process by further degrading the suspended organics in the water.

* To learn more about bio-dredging, click here for dredging information

E-mail: Alken-Murray Corp.

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