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Hydrogen Sulfide Treatise References

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  1. EPA Design Manual "Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants", bulletin EPA/625/1-85/018 - October 1985.
  2. National Geographic - August 1993 "Bacteria, Teaching Old Bugs New Tricks
  3. Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, A Field Guide Training Program, volumes 1 & 2. US EPA Office of Water Program Operations 1990
  4. Alken-Murray technical product information bulletins for Alken Clear-Flo 7008, 7020, Alken Nu-Bind, Nu-Bind 2, Enz-Odor 6, Enz-Odor 8, Enz-Odor 9, Enz-Odor 10, Enz-Odor 12, Enz-Odor 14, Alken 895 and 896.
  5. Water Treatment Plant Operation, A field Study Training Program, Vol . 1 & 2, California State University, Sacramento, Department of Civil Engineering (1991)
  6. Advanced Waste Treatment, California State University, Sacramento, Department of Civil Engineering (1991)
  7. Industrial Waste Treatment, California State University, Sacramento, Department of Civil Engineering (1991)
  8. Operation and Treatment of Wastewater Collection Systems, California State University, Sacramento, Department of Civil Engineering (1991)
  9. Microbiology, 5th ed., M.J. Pelczar, Jr, E.C.S. Chan, NR. Krieg (1986)
  10. A Primer on Waste Water Treatment, US Dept. of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (1969)
  11. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition (1992)
  12. CRSS Operators Guides to Activated Sludge, CRS Sirrine Inc. (1986)
  13. Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed. Bergey
  14. e-Medicine: Toxicity, Hydrogen Sulfide by Sujal Mandavia, MD, FRCP(C), FACEP

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