Ch. Crown E Lionel Barrymore

headshot of Crown E Lionel Barrymore

Lionel with his wife Mishka in his new home

Lionel with his mate, Mishka, in his new home at Murrznpurrz Cattery Jan.2002
Crown E Lionel Barrymore, backshot

Crown E Lionel Barrymore, cameo tabby male American Shorthair

Crown E Lionel Barrymore, cameo tabby American Shorthair male

Son of Ch/Pr. Dreamscapose Cajun and Crown E T-Bit Rouge, this lovely cameo tabby male American Shorthair now owned by Murrznpurrz Cattery, as a mate for Nikita's daughter, Ch. Murrznpurrz Mishka. "His" German Shepherd dog, Glyco misses him! (larger photos were taken at 8 months by Ken Edwards Jr.)

Congratulations Darrin and Karen for obtaining Lionel's CFA and TICA championship and "Best Red/Silver Classic Tabby American in the Great Lakes Region in TICA 2003" from one show!


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