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This diagram illustrates where each component of treatment is added to the Alken-Murray biolandfarming system.

 Diagram illustrating the products added to effect remediation and where they are added to the system

  1. If pH must be adjusted, water and acid (or base) are added to the water distribution tank and applied through the piping system.
  2. The water distribution tank is then rinsed and drained through the sprinkler system, before water and Alken Clear-Flo 5100 are blended in there and applied to the polluted soil, until sufficient leachate has trickled through the gravel to pump 30 gallons of leachate to the bioreactor.
  3. Alken Bio-Nutrient 4 is throughly blended with the recovered leachate.
  4. The prescribed dose of Alken Clear-Flo 7036 formula is then added and the entire mixture is allowed to brew overnight (to increase the count by one log of growth) before half of it is released to the water distribution tank.
  5. From the water distribution tank, the activated treatment is mixed with additional water and released through the sprinkler system.
  6. After the first round of treatment, leachate continues to mix with the remaining bacteria and nutrients in the bioreactor and is blended daily for release to the system.
  7. As fresh leachate is added to the bioreactor, it encourages a greater population of bacteria to form and that treatment is then forwarded to the water distribution tank for application.
  8. Once or twice a week, all pumps are turned off, the piping system is disconnected and pulled off of the land plot, so that a tractor and offset disc-harrow can till the soil.
  9. If the tilling leaves the hay buried, additional hay may be added to hold in moisture. The tilled hay will add to the aeration of the soil.
  10. The sprinkler frame is then returned to its treatment position and hooked up to the hose from the water distribution tank.
  11. The bioreactor is recharged with additional Alken Clear-Flo 7036 formula twice a month.
  12. Testing will reveal if additional Alken Bio-Nutrient 4 is necessary, at any time.
  13. If additional surfactants are necessary to break the oil-water emulsion, they are introduced from the water distribution tank, as they were the first week.
  14. If hydrogen peroxide is deemed necessary to maintain the optimum oxygen level, then this chemical is diluted and added to the water distribution tank.


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Copyright of Diagram by Alken-Murray and Kenneth J. Edwards, Jr. 1999 - All rights reserved