Product Technical Bulletin

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 ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400-50x

Material Safety Data Sheet

Hydrogen Sulfide Treatise 

Technical Information on the Nitrogen Cycle




ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400-50x is a completely reformulated two-part product. Part A contains ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1100-50x, super concentrated ammonia nitrifiers. Part B contains three specialized strains of non-pathogenic, saprophytic Bacillus endospores, to degrade fish wastes and feed. When diluted 1 part concentrate with 49 parts of water, this formula will provide an improved environment and reduced stress for the transport and transfer of fish, eggs, and larvae. While our ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1100, used alone, has been proven to enhance survival rates by 25 to 95%, we believe that the new ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400-50x will prove even better. Now approved for sale in Canada


 Ammonia Oxidation Rate of Part A:  500 mg NH3/liter/hr
 Appearance Part A:  Hazy liquid
 Odor of Part A:  Slightly musty
  pH of Part A:  6.5 to 9.0


 Bacteria count of Part B:

 212 billion CFU/g as soluble powder

(13 grams included with pint size of Part A; 130 grams included with 1.2 gallon jug )

 Appearance Part B:  Free-flowing tan to brown powder
 Odor Part B:  Yeast-like
 pH of Part B:  Neutral

When Part A and Part B are mixed together and diluted with water, the total count of ALKEN CLEAR-FLO 1400 will be 35 million CFU/ml and ammonia oxidation rate will be 10 mg NH3 /liter/hour


  • Promotes a healthy aquatic environment for fish and shrimp transport and transfer.
  • Reduces or eliminates losses of stock due to organic pollution or toxic ammonia concentration.
  • Eliminates turbidity.
  • Oxidizes dangerous hydrogen sulfide, if present.
  • Reduces or eliminates off-flavor problems.
  • Enzymes include: protease, amylase, esterase, cellulase, xylanase, but low dosage applied will not threaten the air supply of the crop being transported.
  • All strains are highly salt tolerant, so that the formula is useful in fresh or salt water.
  • Bacillus strains will tolerate low pH, but nitrifiers prefer neutral to alkaline water.
  • Takes up very little refrigerator space and is easy to transport.
  • Effective over a wide temperature range of 49° to 98° F (9.4° to 37°C).
  • Effective over a wide pH range of 6.5 to 8.5.
  • Non-toxic, safe to handle and store.


For each US gallon of working strength ALKEN CLEAR-FLO 1400 desired, measure 75 ml of CF 1400-50x Part A into 3.71 Liters of distilled or filtered water (no chlorine or other biocides or antibiotics) in a clean pail. Measure 2.1 grams of the powder from the attached packet (part B) for each US gallon of working solution to be made. Use some of the diluted part A to hydrate Part B, the dry portion of the formula, a little at a time, to wet the powder thoroughly, making a paste. Continue adding small amounts of the liquid to the paste, while continuing to stir, until it could be poured easily: the consistency of a gravy. Then add all of the resulting mixture to the diluted part A in the pail. The reconstituted mixture has a three month shelf life, at room temperature. If stored refrigerated, the mixture can be kept viable up to six months, following reconstitution. Prior to reconstitution, both parts have a minimum one year shelf life, if kept refrigerated.

If you choose to make a stronger solution, reduce the dosage by the same factor that you increase the concentration. This is a very powerful formula, therefore very little is needed to cure water pollution in transport bags or tanks. Be sure to include an air space in the bag or tank.



  • Add 25 ppm of diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400 to the hatchery, nursery, or culture water daily for three days prior to transfer. We recommend shipping small fish, larvae, and post-larvae in plastic bags filled with 20% water and a head-space of pure oxygen.
  • For fish smaller than 7 cm and shrimp, add 200 - 300 ppm (usually works out to 3 drops in 500 ml) of diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400.
  • For fish larger than 7 cm, add 100 - 200 ppm of diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400 to the transfer water.
  • When transferring weak fish or shrimp, under heavy stress, or with disease outbreak, dosage may be adjusted up to 1000 ppm of diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400 in the transfer water.
  • Add 10 to 20 ppm of diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400 to nursery water upon transfer of shrimp larvae.
  • For maintenance post-transfer, we recommend ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1006 and 1100-50x, although diluted and mixed ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400 can be continued as a hatchery treatment.



ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1400-50x is packaged in single pint bottles and 1.2 gallon jugs inside a cooler with cold packs and an STP media vial, to verify survival of liquid portion of product. The 1.2 gallon jug is 12 inches tall, 7 inches wide and 4 inches deep. Five to seven jugs can be stored on their sides, next to each other, on the standard refrigerator shelf. The concentrated product must be stored in a refrigerator to maintain a one year shelf life. Diluted product has a three month shelf life, if stored in pail that has a vented lid. Store the diluted product in a cool dry place. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or open wounds. Wash hands after handling.


Vented lid pails are manufactured by Nampac (formerly Southcorp) and the filter in the lid is made of Teflon. Our Virginia source information is given in our Supplier links page.

Trademarks: Alken and Alken-Clear-Flo belong to Alken-Murray Corp.


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