Alken Clear-Flo® in Action

Pictures below display the results of treatment with Alken Clear-Flo 1200

25,000 gallon tank
BEFORE treatment
 25,000 gallon tank BEFORE treatment with Alken Clear-Flo 1200

 Second weekly

Results after 2nd week of treatment with Alken-Clear-Flo 1200

  Third weekly

Results after 3 weeks of treatment with Alken Clear-Flo 1200

Fourth weekly

Results after 4 weeks - see how clear the water is as coins on the bottom shine

Multi-Aquaculture Systems Inc. letterhead

September 17, 1989


Mr. Jon D. Luce, Special Services Manager

Alken-Murray Corporation

(our old address was listed here)


Re: Alken Clear-Flo® 1200,

Algal Bloom, Turbidity and Mysidopsis Shrimp Bio-Assay Testing



Dear Mr. Luce:


We have completed testing of Alken Clear-Flo® 1200 with successful

results. Three 25,000 gallon tanks containing seawater were treated with

2 oz. each of Alken Clear-Flo® 1200. All three tanks contained excessive

algal bloom. This bloom would normally be desirable but it is unpredictable

and, overnight, the life-giving green algae can "crash", turning

a yellow color and release a number of lethal toxins into the water. Commercially,

the presence of algal bloom, especially in shrimp and salmon production,

is a serious risk. Tank 1 contained fluke. Tank 2 contained lobsters.

Tank 3 contained shrimp.


At the end of the first week, all three tanks exhibited an approximate

25% reduction in the algal bloom, verified by turbidity testing. All three

tanks were again treated with a 2 oz. dosage. At the end of the second week,

they were again treated with a further reduction of algae noted. At the

end of the third week they were again treated with a 2 oz. dosage. At this

time the tanks were virtually clear of excess algal bloom. No harmful

effects were noted in any of the species and the product is successful in

treating for algal bloom.


We are especially excited about the sludge reduction capabilities

of this product for use in large scale shrimp, trout, and salmon production.

The fecal discharge is tremendous in these species which have been hybridized

for fast growth metabolisms. High density stocking and feeding methods employed

result in serious organic effluent discharges in these operations. Your

product's ability to reduce sludge by 30-60% is valuable to these facilities.

We are currently introducing Alken Clear-Flo® to our commercial facilities

in Bonaire and Venezuela.


Please note, that when any bacteria is employed, an oxygen demand is

created, since bacteria are living organisms and require oxygen in their

life cycle. We have conducted Bio-Assay Tests with

Mysidopsis Shrimp and have found no harmful effects and consider

this product to be quite safe in our aquatic systems. The only precaution

I consider necessary is to maintain oxygen levels at the saturation point

to ensure adequate oxygen for both the bacteria and the species being produced.



Sincerely yours,




Robert J. Valenti, Ph. D.




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