Dr. Robert J. Valenti

B.A. in Biology from Long Island University in 1963
M.S. in Marine Science from the Marine Science Department of Long Island University in 1966
Ph.D. in Biology from New York University
under sponsorship of Dr. A. Perlmutter and Dr. K. Kallman, Osborn Laboratories
Designed and directed research programs:
fin fish aquaculture
vertebrate bioassays
striped bass hatchery
spawning and rearing technology for puffer fish
Tilapia aurea aquaculture
Spawning & rearing techniques for pompano & silver mullet
1969-71 - developed commercial closed cycle shrimp mariculture systems
for Environmental Associates, Inc.
freshwater fish genetics
stock distribution & rate of exploitation of the American lobster in Eastern Long Island
Sound under research grants for the State of New York.
Instructed graduate courses in Aquaculture at the Marine Sciences, Long Island University
Lectured at annual meetings of The World Mariculture Society
Conducted Fish Culture Workshops
Director of Production of Winter Flounder, Fluke, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams & others for
Multi Aquaculture Systems, Inc.
Wrote a number of articles and books including The Salt Water Aquarium and Aquaculture with John Aldred.
American Fisheries Society
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Marine Technology Society
New York Academy of Sciences
Society of Sigma XI
The World Aquaculture Society
The Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries
Professional certification of Fisheries Society #524 by the American Fisheries Society
Member of the Technical Standards Committee of the Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society

Valenti Reports
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