Product Technical Bulletin

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 ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant

Material Safety Data Sheet


Complex Oxygenating Organic/Inorganic Salts Aqueous Solution


ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant is a super concentrated blend of oxygenating inorganic salts, amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, and micro-nutrients designed to stimulate the performance of ALKEN CLEAR-FLO®, ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® , ALKEN® NU-BIND & ALKEN® TREAT-A-LOO microbial formulas, when applied appropriately. Alken 896 BioStimulant is the ONLY known germination catalyst, biostimulant that triggers immediate activity from Bacillus, other gram-positive species (including Brevibacillus, Paenibacillus, Rhodococcus, Sporosarcina & Streptomyces) AND vegetative, gram-negative species (including Acinetobacter, Comamonas, Enterobacter, Marinobacter, Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas, Paracoccus, Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, Starkeya & Thiobacillus. When included in a formulated Bacillus product, ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant will stimulate immediate bacterial activation as soon as the ALKEN® BACILLUS STABILIZER 26 formula is diluted sufficiently to allow germination (see formulation directions for use of ALKEN MICROBIAL MANUFACTURING CONCENTRATES (FF, PF or NF). ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant also enhances performance of powdered ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® & ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® products in applications ranging from waste water augmentation (industrial or municipal) to aquaculture and bioremediation of pollution in soil, sand or rocks. When tested alone, ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant rarely works because bacterial strains naturally resident in most wastewater are rarely endowed with the vigorous appetite for difficult compounds, robust health, and pronounced competitiveness that ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® and ALKEN ENZ-ODOR® bacterial consortia deliver worldwide.


 Appearance:  Transparent, Cyan Color Aqueous Solution
 Odor:  Ammonia Odor
 pH:  6.9 - 7.1
 Shelf Life:  3 years


  • Increases bacterial metabolic rate under low oxygen and anaerobic conditions.
  • Aids performance of sulfide oxidizing bacteria to eliminate existing sulfide.
  • Stimulates awakening and odor control in "less-than-five-minutes" in stabilized Bacillus formulas, once Alken® Bacillus Stabilizer 26 is sufficiently diluted to allow germination
  • Stimulates germination and improved growth rates of nitrifiers Alken Clear-Flo® 1100-50x/7110-50x & 1400-50x), during tank and pond seeding.
  • Stimulates ALL consortia in the Alken Clear-Flo®, Alken Enz-Odor® , Alken® Nu-Bind & Alken® Treat-A-Loo product lines.
  • Prevents corrosion from sulfuric acid, by altering the oxidation pathway leading to formation of , ammonium, sodium, calcium or potassium sulfate.
  • ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant is compatible with Alken® Bio-Nutrient 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 & 10, if macro-nutrients are also required
  • Has a neutral pH, unlike most competing biostimulant formulations



Ten (10) talented cultures used in Alken-Murray's commercial products were selected for comparison testing on Tryptic Soy agar plated media. Standard recipe Tryptic Soy Agar plates, prepared for Alken-Murray by Culture, Media & Supplies of Oswego, IL were used as the "control" plates. AMC President, Valerie Anne Edwards personally prepared the "test plates", using BBL Tryptic Soy Agar powdered media in distilled water, according to directions on the product label, but these plates were amended with ALKEN® 896, as follows: 10 each TSA amended with 1% ALKEN® 896 , 10 amended with 2% ALKEN® 896 , 10 amended with 3% ALKEN® 896, 10 amended with 4% ALKEN® 896, 10 amended with 5% ALKEN® 896 , 10 amended with 6% ALKEN® 896 and finally 10 amended with 7% ALKEN® 896. Media were autoclaved according to label instructions, cooled to 50 degrees C and then plated aseptically. Each culture was streaked onto one plate from the control batch and one plate from each concentration of amended media, labels were affixed and plates were incubated for 24 hours at 30 degrees C. Growth was checked and recorded at 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes and then hourly through 6 hours, again at 12 hours and finally at 24 hours.


  • 9 plates each amended at 1 and 2% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 5 minutes. 1 plate displayed growth in 10 minutes for each amendment level. Slow culture was AMV119S.
  • 8 plates amended at 3% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 10 minutes. 2 plates displayed growth in 15 minutes
  • 6 plates amended at 4% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 10 minutes. 4 plates displayed growth in 15 minutes
  • 7 plates amended with 5% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 15 minutes. 3 other plates displayed growth in 20 minutes.
  • 8 plates amended with 6% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 15 minutes. 2 other plates displayed growth in 20 minutes.
  • 7 plates amended with 7% ALKEN® 896 displayed visible colonies within 30 minutes, 3 other plates displayed growth in 2 hours.
  • 2 unamended plates displayed visible colonies within 4 hours.
  • 2 unamended plates displayed visible colonies within 6 hours
  • 4 unamended plates displayed visible colonies within 12 hours.
  • 1 unamended plates displayed visible colonies in 24 hours
  • 1 unamended plates did NOT display visible colonies by 24 hours



Germination Catalyst for Inclusion in Manufactured Bacillus Liquid Products
When used to amend a manufactured 1X liquid product, produced using Alken Clear-Flo® 1002, Alken Enz-Odor® 1-20XNF, Alken Enz-Odor® 2-5XNF or Alken Enz-Odor® 4-20XNF Manufacturing Concentrates, ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant should represent 1 to 5% of the finished product, with actual dosage adjusted based on the dilution instructions for the 1X product, so that working strength of ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant in "ready-to-use" product (after client dilutes product) remains close to 1% for standard liquid odor-control and cleaning products. Although cultures will survive in a Manufacturing Concentrate with up to 8% ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant , dosages above those suggested will not provide any faster germination speed. If preparing an Aquarium Startup Kit, add 30 mL ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant to each 1 Liter of prepared Alken Clear-Flo® 1002 Manufacturing Concentrate solution in distilled water, preserved by Alken® Bacillus Stabilizer 26, according to instructions on the Alken Clear-Flo® 1002 product technical bulletin and package label. The second bottle in an aquarium start-up kit should be diluted from Alken Clear-Flo® 1100-50x Manufacturing Concentrate, and will be stimulated strongly by the ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant added to the Bacillus formula, when BOTH products are applied to their destination aquarium.

Germination Catalyst, BioStimulant for Inclusion in Manufactured Mixed-Gram Liquids
When used to minimize the pungent odor produced by gram-negative cultures, when maintained in liquid form, add 1 to 2% ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant to finished water dilution of Alken Clear-Flo® 4103 Manufacturing Concentrate, selected surfactant(s), dyes and fragrance and continue blending for 15 minutes. As blending continues, the pungent odor of  Alken Clear-Flo® 4100 will diminish,as the cultures turn on their aerobic pathways. Once bottles, pails and drums have been filled, lids can be applied immediately to exclude access to airborne contamination. When ready to apply your gram-negative or mixed-gram liquid product, add ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant at a dose not to exceed 2% of liquid bacterial culture volume.

BioStimulant to Enhance Growth of Nitrifiers, Probiotic Bacteria & Micro-Algae
Dilute one (1) part ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant with at least four (4) to nine (9) parts water before applying to a pond, to avoid introducing an overly concentrated slug of nutrients into a single location. Spread treatment as evenly as possible. If used in conjunction with Roti-Rich®, reduce dosage of each product by 50%.
For Shrimp Larvae -
Add 0.75 to 1 liters per month per 1 million gallons (3,785 cubic meters) to the prescribed dosage of CF 1003, 1005 or 1006 and CF 1100-50xFF.
For mature shrimp,
Add 1.25 to 2.5 liters per month per 1 million gallons (3 acre-ft or 3,785 cubic meters) to the prescribed dose of CF 1003, 1005 or 1006 and CF 1100-50xFF.

Germination Catalyst/BioStimulant To Supplement Waste Treatment BioAugmentation
Assess volume of waste in the system and level of BOD/COD and dose to maintain 2.5 to 25 ppm of concentrate ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant with the prescribed powdered Alken Clear-Flo® or Alken Enz-Odor® powdered formula.

Your authorized Alken-Murray distributor can assist you with selecting optimum treatment and nutrient adjuncts, including ALKEN® 896, to provide optimum results for your specific system.



ALKEN® 896 BioStimulant is packaged in 5 gallon plastic pails with pour-spout, 55 gallon plastic drums and 225 gallon plastic totes. Store in a cool dry place. This product will crystallize at freezing temperature. Restore by mixing with hot water. Temperatures above 60 degrees C will promote hydrolysis of product.. Avoid inhalation of mist and wash hands with warm soapy water after handling

International Harmonized Tariff Code: 2931.00.9055 "Other non-aromatic, organo-inorganic compounds." (Oxygenating Organic/Inorganic Salts Aqueous Solution)

Updated:. 02/24/2007

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