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15. How do chemical algaecides cause long-term problems?
By killing off ALL algae and most beneficial bacteria, chemical algaecides put additional nutrients (degradable dead algae) back into a water column. Small fish and protozoa, which rely on algae as a food source, die off, leading to death of larger fish, when their food source is killed off. These dead fish add to the climbing nutrient levels, which are not degraded by the now depleted supply of beneficial bacteria, causing an increasingly out-of-balance ecosystem.

This unbalanced system supports a growing population of aquatic weeds and more algae until the situation becomes worse than it was prior to the use of biocides. The dead fish, algae, and plant matter sink to the bottom, contributing to the sludge layer, which emits hydrogen sulfide and methane gases as obligate anaerobes take up residence, protected from further biocide use by the amount of sludge at the bottom. Without algae to add oxygen in the day, or beneficial bacteria to alter this cycle, the pond changes from aerobic to anaerobic respiration, killing the last of the remaining fish and other higher life forms. The pond now becomes a breeding ground for disease and parasites. Re-establishing a balanced system, with Alken Clear-Flo®, and possibly with a small amount of mechanical aeration, promotes a long-term healthy environment.

16. Are Alken Clear-Flo® 1000 line products "natural algaecides"?
NO. Alken Clear-Flo® 1000 line products do not directly attack algae, or any other LIVING entity, causing its demise. The special strains of bacteria and fungi in Alken Clear-Flo® 1000 line products are designed to clean up sources of excess nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants so that a healthy, natural environment can be restored.

If you want a swimming pool-like appearance, chemical biocides will give you the appearance you want, but forget having healthy fish, frogs, turtles and other natural residents of a healthy pond or lake.

17. Do Alken Clear-Flo®, Enz-Odor, Treat-A-Loo or Nu-Bind products require an EPA registration number?
NO. The EPA declines, by legislation, to regulate "naturally occurring, indigenous, and non-pathogenic" bacteria under FIFRA (Federal Insecticides, Fungicides, and Rodenticides Act). Therefore, no EPA registration number is required. No other permits or applicator licenses are required for microbes that fall under this classification, such as those used in Alken-Murray's formulas.
18. Are Alken-Murray microbial products compatible with algaecides, antibiotics or pesticides?
Algaecides indiscriminately kill living microorganisms including beneficial bacteria, such as those in Alken Clear-Flo®. If you must use these, wait at least 14 days before applying Alken Clear-Flo® to clean up the ensuing debris. Alken Clear-Flo® is susceptible to most common antibiotics. If you must use antibiotics for your fish, wait at least 48 to 72 hours after treatment to reseed your system with Alken Clear-Flo®. A small dose of many pesticides can be consumed by Alken Clear-Flo® 1000 line formulas. If the pesticide contamination is known to be large, consult with your Alken-Murray distributor to determine the best solution.


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