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How Bacteria Unclog A Drain - Page 3

We also offer Alken Clear-Flo 4000 and 4100, both are "USDA authorized for use in sewage and/or drain lines of official establishments operating under Federal meat, poultry, shell-grading, and egg products inspection programs." 
For surfactant-free FOG control in aquatic restoration and municipal waste treatment, we offer Alken Clear-Flo 4003.
Grease traps are collection tanks, containing large volumes of water, located in the drain lines to significantly reduce the amount of grease that enters the municipal water system or leaching field. The Alken Clear-Flo line of grease degrading formulas will enhance performance and significantly decrease the number of times a commercial grease trap requires pumping.
Alken-Murray offers a variety of grease-degrading formulas, customized for specific applications and industries. Tell us your problems, and we will find a solution for you. 
See page 4 for more technical information on exactly what enzymes act to degrade grease, fats and proteins.

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